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Om Lasse Jensen
Hvordan kom jeg igang
Jeg har drevet savværk og tømmer handel i Holstebro siden 2001.
Jeg siden 1990 bygget en del træhuse. Her opstod ideen om at lave mit eget træ. det har betyder at jeg har kunnet få de allerbedste materialer fra mit eget savværk
Da jeg fik plads til det, købte jeg mit første savværk i 2001
Jeg har skåret Douglas op til gulvplanker, tømmer, brædder ol lige siden

ZBL-50H hydraulic
Come Visit
Mon - Fri: 9am - 6pm
Sat: 10am - 2pm
Sun: Closed
ZBL-H(M)- wide hydraulic track

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This is your Product Description. Write a short overview of the product including important features, pricing and any other relevant information for a potential buyer. Make sure the text is clear and easy to read. Tip from the pros: add an image of the product to give your customers a way of visualizing what you are selling.

New Addition
This is your Product Description. Write a short overview of the product including important features, pricing and any other relevant information for a potential buyer. Make sure the text is clear and easy to read. Tip from the pros: add an image of the product to give your customers a way of visualizing what you are selling.